Good Health and Well Being - Awareness Blog

 Hello everyone! Sorry, I was away for a long time, but I am currently in the process of making my blog better. Anyway, while I was doing all this, I stumbled upon a club that supports SDG's. If you don't know what they are, let me tell you:

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are a set of 17 goals that scientists made to achieve the end of ten years. They are global goals to be implemented in every country.

Now that you know what they are, let us get back to the story. So I joined a group that works towards the implementation of these goals in however way we can. So, while researching about our SDG (SDG 3- Good Health and Well Being), and I found out out that there are many people neglecting this issue. So, what I am trying to do here, is make more people aware about this issue through my blog. So, whoever is reading this, can benefit from this blog.

But what is good health and well being so important about?

Good health affects the way we act and make our decisions in life. Have you ever heard "Don't make decisions when you're angry"? If you thought it was just some random piece of advice, well, here's some news for you. Its true! Our emotions affect the way we act. For example, when I am sad or angry, then I'd just be ranting about some nonsensical things. I'd go make rash decisions, and just be irrational, because I don't know what else could make me happy in this world. But, when I calm down, I realize that there are other people beside me, who can become affected by my decision or become sad like me when I made that decision. But when I am happy, I can think with a calm rational mind, and make proper decisions. This is why good health is so important. 

But good health is not just about mental health. It, in the most obvious way, is about physical health too! How, to take care of it? Well I think we all know the solution to that. We have been taught that since we are small. I know it must be irritating for us to hear the same things again and again. But, all I can say is, when we are spoiling our bodies or physical health we must keep in mind that there are people in this world that don't have what we do

How do we avoid bad health and ill - being?

There are many ways with which we can do that. Here are some I have tried out myself. Maybe they can help you and the people around you too.

1. Posters: This has worked many times with many people, since it is the easiest way of spreading awareness. Just make a poster about the issue you are addressing and choose how to spread it around. Once, before the lockdown, my friends and I paraded around the society showing our posters to wear masks. It was really fun and helped many people. This point also helps people realize what they are doing wrong and help them protect their physical health.

2. Giving Food: There might be many instances in your house, where you might have over - estimated the amount of food that you might need for day. In these cases, we should should give it away to the less fortunate. I remember one time, when we (my family and I) were visiting Hyderabad and we ordered way too much Biryani to our room. So we gave to all away to the poor and the needy. This helps people to nourish themselves, and take care of their physical health.

3. Being Social: It is clinically proven that being social and having friends helps improve mental health. After all, have you noticed that depressed people usually have no friends. 

4. Making timetables: Making timetables and following them helps very much with our mental health. When we make timetables, we don't go crazy over what to do next, and how to do it. It saves our brain a lot of regret about not doing something we should have done. Even I make timetables. I make them for what to do in my holidays, during the exams, and basically days when I have lots of homework. The rest of the days, I just do time - pass and not do anything productive. 

Spread the message!

I have told you so much about this SDG, now you have to spread the message! Tell more people and achieve this goal! Make the world the better place! (I think that's a lot of exclamatory marks for now)

Anyway, that's the end. Hope you find some of these helpful. 


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