Fish Tales


Hello everyone! I am back with another blog of FISH TALES. I couldn't blog for the last month because the term-end exams were going on and the portion was HUGE. But, here I am!

This story is based on my guppy fish, Sparkles. She is a rainbow guppy fish, so I named her Sparkles. So, let me tell you about this naughty little fish of mine. She is a very cute fish, but don't let that fool you! She is also very clever and adventurous. Once, I had given her some new brand of fish food, and she did not like it, so she refused to eat until I got her favourite brand. But she loves me a lot and misses me whenever I am at school. She is very loyal to me too. She is the best fish anyone could ever have. 

So, let me tell you about a little incident which occurred last year in the summer holidays. Our society was infested with a family of monkeys going everywhere you were. Some were on the playground, playing and catching each other by the tail. Some were on the cars in the garage, jumping from car - to - car. Some were going around in people's balconies, scaring the wits out of them, and catching any shiny or tasty thing that came in front of their eyes. Some monkeys were even jumping from building - to - building, catching each other! It so happened, that one monkey came into our neighbour's house and started throwing everything outside the window! Then they came into our house and ate a few onions that my dadi had kept outside for drying. Because of this, the society had instructed us to keep our windows shut at every time of the day. I, of course, had forgotten. And I had been working on a necklace that day so now my study table was all messed up with glue, shiny beads, and string. And, unfortunately, the study table was right next to the window. But, fortunately, as a treat, I had kept Sparkles on my side table that day as a treat for being a good fish all week. So, in the middle of the night, some monkeys spotted the shiny beads and were about to take them, when Sparkles woke up and splashed water on me so I wake up and I shooed the monkeys just in time before they could grab any beads. In the morning, Sparkles was a heroine! I gave her lots of fish food and played with her the whole day! She was so happy! And I vowed never to leave the windows open again.


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