Handwritten Stories by me (I'm not joking) about my soft toys Akku and Minnie - Minnie's Crazy Talent Confusion

 Hey everyone! I'm back with another post. In this one, I have written one of my own stories about my soft toys- Akku and Minnie. This is the first one I have written, but there will be many more to come! This one is,

Minnie’s Crazy Talent Confusion

It was a lazy Friday afternoon and as usual, Minnie was dreaming about home. Her cousin, Akku, was the studious one and was paying attention intently and taking notes. Then, Ms. Owl, their teacher, announced something that caught both their attention. She was talking about the Baby Animal Olympics! She was announcing the different groups and Minnie heard something surprising. Ms. Owl said- “And since Mrs. Bunny is a great crafter and so was Mr. Great-Grand Bunny, Minnie will be representing our school as girl representative for the Baby Animal Olympics on Monday!” Minnie liked math and was bad in craft, so she tried to protest, but nothing worked, and nobody was listening to her.

So, a dejected Minnie went home with Akku, who was staying for the night. Akku told Minnie that she would do well in craft and Minnie felt a little encouraged. At night, after dinner, they both sat down and were searching for a good craft to do. The next two days, Minnie worked extremely hard, but all her crafts went flop. She wondered what would happen on the day of the Olympiad. Finally, they reached school. Minnie’s assignment was to make a castle. At the end, everyone had made a great castle but, before Minnie could take it to the judges, it collapsed! Everyone laughed at her and called her un-crafter. Minnie was so sad! She did not want to make her mother sad, so she only told Akku. Since Akku’s Olympiad was not for another hour, Minnie went and sat in a random classroom. Coincidentally, that turned out to be the Math Olympiad classroom! 

When she woke up, the teacher was already handing out the papers. Minnie tried to protest, but the teacher was not going to listen to anything. After Minnie submitted the paper, she again went home dejectedly. After two days, when the award ceremony was being held, Minnie got first prize in math! She was so happy! When she went home, Mrs. Bunny was waiting at the door. Minnie said- “I’m sorry, mumma.” But surprisingly, Mrs. Bunny smiled and said “I’m proud of you Minnie. You may not be good in craft, but you are good in math. Come, I’ll give you ice-cream.” And that is how Minnie discovered her math talent.

How was the story? By the way, I wrote this story myself and I am not joking. Comment in the comment section below. Bye! 


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