Funny Story of my Broken Mouse

 Hello everyone! I haven't been posting for a while because my exams were going on and half the textbook was there for each chapter. I'm not joking. Then for the last month, I was not getting any ideas to post. But today, in school, something very funny occurred and I have to share it with you. I call it,

                                                                    "The Broken Mouse"

Today was a very boring day at school. I had nothing to do. Then, lying somewhere in the corner was my pen next to a toothpick. I was just toying around with it, when the toothpick dropped into the refill! I was wiggling it and shaking it, when I realized that it got stuck in the refill because of some glue (don't ask me how it got there). So, I grabbed my scissors and I tried cutting the pen refill. It was made with hard plastic and it had lots of bends and cracks when I was done with it.

While I was trying to get the toothpick out of the pen, my hand flailed around too much, and it knocked the mouse down under the desk with such a force that it shattered the all the parts and quite a few broke. (By the way, all of this is happening in the middle of Biology and Physics period)It spread all over my chair and I spent 5 minutes trying to find the pieces. After that, we had found the motherboard, the scroller and case. We did not know how it was fit, so we made like a hundred combinations trying to fit the pieces. Then my mom just gave up and I took over. I finally realized that how the mouse should go in. We managed to bang the case back, when we realized that the moving part that moves the mouse wasn't working! Oh no! Oh well. I could live with that.

Then my parents decided that the mouse was old anyway. (By the way, the  next period which was Geography, had already started and 10 minutes of it were done). So then they checked on Amazon. But anything but the essentials were not deliverable because of the lockdown. Thankfully, we had another mouse which I could use. But that was my father's office's mouse and he had to return it so I had to be very careful with it.

We decided that the mouse will not work so we were going to throw it away. But then my mom had to go to the bathroom and she told me to wait for her. So, while she was walking towards the bathroom, she stepped on something, which turned out to be the missing part of the mouse! So we quickly fixed it and tested it, and it worked! There was no need to throw away the mouse at all!

Has anything like this happened to you? Comment below in the comment section! See you in the next post (which will be very soon)! Bye!


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