My English Elocution

 This week, an English Elocution was held in my school and I chose to participate. Like every year, my parents and I racked our brains about which poem to recite. Honestly, we were going mad, what with the, elocution, notebook submission, extra projects, approaching exams, god knows what! 

Last year, in the English Elocution, one of the participants had written his own poem and he ended up getting the first prize !!  So my Dad came up with a great idea (his best idea yet)- how about writing my own poem. So now we had to figure which poem to write. One week before the elocution, my father and I were walking in the garden and we came up with 7 paragraphs. So we decided that we would go down to the garden and write the poem because it helps us concentrate. So, 3 days before the elocution, we went down again to write the remaining three paragraphs. We were down for 2 hours! Who knew writing a poem was such hard work! So now I only had to learn the poem by heart. That was easy. The day of the competition, many people forgot lines. But when I said mine, it was a hit! Everyone loved it! A week later, I got first prize in the competition! The name of my poem was "My Lockdown Adventures". This was my poem:-

For me, this lockdown has been both boring and fun,

And I’m sure you’ll laugh loudly when you hear some of the things I’ve done.

At first, I was, what to do with so much time?

Should I just waste it by watching Netflix or Amazon Prime?

Then I realized, there are more things to do that are good,

Like reading a book or cooking food.

For cooking, my grandma taught me to make jelly cream,

But I made such a mess of it, that she almost screamed!

For reading, my father ordered me books from an online library,

But we kept on losing the books, so we had to pay late fee.

Then my mom enrolled me for a Maths Olympiad,

But Maths is not my strong point, so I really had to work hard.

Then I decided to launch my craft classes online,

And I realized, sharing my knowledge is a great way to spend my time. 

When school started, it was weird not being taught with a blackboard and chalk,

But I had little pleasures of life like accompanying my parents on a morning walk.

Then we heard about some poor workers who had lost their jobs and had to walk to their villages for miles and miles,

So, when my family distributed food, clothing, and soap to them, it was so touching to see their smiles.

Of the many things I learnt in lockdown, one of the most important was being grateful,

And my wish for the new year is that we all are vaccinated and are soon back at school!


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